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How to wear engagement and wedding ring

2020-03-12 10:13:34

How to wear engagement and wedding ring

How to Wear Engagement and Wedding Rings

Many people wonder how to wear engagement and wedding rings. Having explored the customs and traditions of different countries, Savicki Jewellers have found that how to wear an engagement ring and wedding band basically depends on where you come from.

How to Wear an Engagement Ring and Wedding Band

Dating back as far as ancient Egypt, the custom of women being giving engagement rings by their wouldbe husbands upon their acceptance of a marriage proposal is a well-established, extremely romantic tradition that has survived for millennia and is till being observed today.

The ancient Romans placed such rings onto the ring finger of their beloved women’s left hand because this, the so-called cordial finger was not only closest to the heart but, according to ancient beliefs, also held the “vena amoris” (“love vein”) – a vein that carried blood directly to the heart.

While we now know that this vein does not exist, rings are still placed onto this finger in many cultures to this day, including, among others:

  • Egypt, Italy and Germany

  • Iceland. Sweden and France

  • Finland, the USA and Romania

  • New Zealand, Canada and Australia

  • Slovenia, Mexico and Croatia

  • South Africa, Jordan, and Turkey

  • Varying other countries on the African continent

  • Several Islamic countries in South & West Asia

Due to varying cultural and historic traditions, as well as, in some cases, religious beliefs, engagement rings are, however, placed onto the ring finger of a bride-to-be’s right hand in countries like, for example:

  • Poland, Spain, and Lithuania

  • Russia, the Netherlands and Serbia

  • India, Austria, and Norway

  • Denmark Brazil, and Bulgaria

  • Hungary, Greece and Venezuela

How to Wear Engagement and Wedding Rings

Rings are also placed onto the right hand in Israel, but here they are usually either placed onto the bride’s index finger, her middle finger or her thumb. In Muslim ceremonies, engagement or wedding rings are not usually used. If they are, however, they are typically placed onto the right hand.

How to Wear Engagement and Wedding Rings

In most countries, when the engaged couple eventually get married, the engagement ring is usually placed onto the ring finger of the opposite hand, which is also the finger upon which a wedding band is worn. If, for instance, you wore your engagement ring on the left hand, you would place it onto your right hand upon getting married.

This does, however, leave many happy newly-weds with the question which ring should go onto their finger first – the engagement ring or the wedding ring? As it is, the wedding band should go on first, as this places it closest to the heart, followed by the engagement ring.

Savicki Engagement Rings and Wedding Bands

Savicki Jewellers offer stunning collections of beautifully designed, unique engagement rings and wedding bands in both classic and modern styles; metals including all colours of gold (yellow, white, rose, black and two/three-tone combinations), platinum and titanium and set with a multitude of gorgeous precious gems including, among others, diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds. Available in a diversity of profiles, widths and prices, they are the perfect way to immortalise both your engagement and your wedding – why not take a look right now?

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