Emerald Engagement Rings: SAVICKI Emerald Rings UK
Cherished by cultures and religions all over the world for thousands of years, the emerald is said to be the “stone of successful love” – and SAVICKI Emerald Rings UK recognise and celebrate this fact with an exclusive selection of stunningly beautiful, unique emerald engagement rings.
The “Stone of Successful Love”
Emeralds Through History
A naturally occurring stone regarded as one of the four ‘precious gems (which also include the diamonds, sapphire and ruby), the emerald has fascinated and been revered by worldwide cultures for more than six millennia.
First sold in Babylon’s markets as early as the 4th millennium BC, its name is said in Indian lore to have come from an ancient word in the Persian language which translated to Greek as Smaragdus. This name, which simply means “green stone”, was however, also used in antiquity to refer to other green stones, so as time passed, the Vulgar Latin and Old French versions of this word (Esmaralda, Esmaraldus or Esmeraulde) became the name we now know this stone as – emerald.
Worshipped by Incas, believed to hold a goddess within it by the Chaldeans and highly honoured by the world’s major religions, the emerald was considered a gift of their god of wisdom, Thoth, by the ancient Egyptians, who also saw it as a symbol of everlasting life.
It was also one of Queen Cleopatra’s favourite jewels and the Upper Egypt mines – which, rediscovered a century ago, are among the world’s oldest emerald mines – were called “Cleopatra’s Mines” because of her love for this beautiful stone.
Stones of infinite patience and inspiration, emeralds are believed to embody unconditional love, unity & compassion; promote balance between partners & friendship and bring contentment, loyalty and domestic bliss.
Dedicated to Venus, the ancient Roman Goddess of love, beauty & desire; sex, fertility, victory & prosperity for their ability to ensure security in love, emeralds were also used to honour Astarte, ancient Phoenicia’s “Queen of the Stars” and goddess of love, fertility & war and her “counterparts” across different cultures (Demeter, Diana and Freya; Hecate, Inanna, Isis and Kali) – all of whom are said to keep lovers faithful to one another and help with troubled love.

India’s moguls, Charlemagne, Alexander the Great and Aristotle all used emeralds as talismans and in the 12th Century AD, Hildegard of Bingen (Saint Hildegard) declared that “all of nature’s green is condensed (concentrated) within an emerald”.
Representing youth, this lush gem is said to have the power to stir your soul like the very heart of spring; symbolise hope, renewal, growth and the future; reveal truth, seek love and inspire a continuous search for harmony, compassion, justice and meaning.
A stone of wisdom, discernment and intuition, it is – perhaps most notably – also known as the “stone of successful love” – which, of course, makes it the perfect choice for engagement rings.
Emerald Engagement Rings
Savicki Emerald Rings UK
Fascinated and inspired by the sparkling beauty, history and meaning of emeralds, Savicki Jewellers have incorporated them into elegant and unique forms to create emerald engagement rings that convey the depth and sincerity of your love and commitment without words.
Passionate about style & beauty and honoured to have the opportunity to virtually participate in what is undoubtedly one of THE most romantic and important moments in your life, we are fully aware that personalities, tastes and preferences differ from one lady to the next.
We have therefore created emerald rings in a wide range of styles, colours of gold, widths and – to ensure you find a ring to meet your budget – prices. To find the ideal ring for your beloved, you can either browse the entire range from here, explore rings by style using the links below, or filter for a specific style, gold colour, width and/or price range using the panel to the left of this page.
Sizing the Ring
Size matters, because finding that the ring you chose is too small or too large at the last moment (i.e. as you try to slip it onto your beloved’s finger when she says “Yes!”) will not only be disappointing for both of you but could significantly dampen the mood of this very special moment.
While getting the right size is not a problem if you are looking at rings together because either she will already know her size or you can order a free ring sizer , doing so can be a little more complicated if you wish to make your proposal a surprise.
In this case, the safest thing to do is to secretly borrow one of her rings and have it sized at a jeweller’s near you – making sure to return it before she notices it has gone, which could give her an idea of what you are up to.
If all else fails, you could, of course, ask her best friend, mother or sister for her size. This does, however, involve some risk because not only may they get it wrong, they may also be so excited at the prospect of an upcoming engagement that they fail to keep your plans secret.
Either way, please use our Ring Size Chart to determine the correct Savicki ring size, as our ring sizes are denoted by numeric values, whereas UK ring sizes are denoted in letters.
Ordering Emerald Engagement Rings
Having selected and correctly sized your dream engagement ring, you can order it by simply placing it into your basket ( learn more ), by email: contact@savicki.co.uk or by speaking to one of our helpful consultants via Live Chat or by telephone.